Art Classes & Private Parties | Joplin MO

Private Parties

Adults and children eight years of age, and older are welcome with a minimum of ten participants. We do birthday parties, bridal parties, and Christmas parties, etc. Cost is $25.00 per person, and all materials are furnished.

We are so lucky to have Local Color in Joplin. It is my go-to place for graduation gifts, wedding gifts, Mother’s Day, new house-type of occasions. I can just go in and use it as the art gallery it is and enjoy seeing all the delightful things they have. The people working there have always been helpful and so pleasant. A person can spend as little as ten dollars or as much as (probably) a thousand, with a great variety of beautiful things to choose from within those amounts. It really is a treasure!

Dorothy Fulks

February 2025 Classes

Every Tuesday: 11:00-1:00; $20 Beginner’s watercolor class.  Bring your own supplies. Ages 8 and up. Barb Hicklin

Saturday, February 1:  1:00-3:00; jewelry making; $25.  All supplies included.   April Davis Brunner

Friday, February 7:  2:00-5:00; Impasto Oil Painting, $20.   Learn the techniques and tricks of painting thick with a painting knife.  Bring your own supplies (canvas board, oil paint, brushes, palette/painting knives). Tricia Courtney

Saturday, February 8: 2:30-4:30; fused glass Valentine suncatchers; $35, includes all supplies. Ages 8 and up. Jane McCaulley

Thursday, February 13:  2:00-5:00; Impasto Oil Painting, $20.   Learn the techniques and tricks of painting thick with a painting knife.  Bring your own supplies (canvas board, oil paint, brushes, palette/painting knives). Tricia Courtney

Friday, February 14:  10:00-12:00; watercolor class; $30, includes all supplies.  Ages 8 and up.  Joan Allen

Friday, February 14:  1:00-3:00; watercolor class; $30, includes all supplies.    Ages 8 and up.  Joan Allen

Friday, February 21:  2:00-5:00; Impasto Oil Painting, $20.   Learn the techniques and tricks of painting thick with a painting knife.  Bring your own supplies (canvas board, oil paint, brushes, palette/painting knives). Tricia Courtney

Saturday, February 22: 10:30-1:00; Saturday Paint Class, $30, includes all supplies and ice cream cone from Caroline’s.  Ages 8 and up, no experience necessary.  Paint a Monet or Van Gogh or bring a picture of what you would like to paint.  Jesse McCormick & Margie Moss

Thursday, February 27:  2:00-5:00; Impasto Oil Painting, $20.   Learn the techniques and tricks of painting thick with a painting knife.  Bring your own supplies (canvas board, oil paint, brushes, palette/painting knives). Tricia Courtney

Call the gallery at 417-553-0835 to register.

Follow us on Facebook for monthly updates on class information.

Tuesdays Beginner’s Watercolor Class | 11 am – 1 pm | with Barb Hicklin

$20. Bring your own supplies. Ages 8 and up.

Tuesdays Advanced Oil, Acrylic, & Watercolor
Come & Go | 2 – 6 pm | with Paula Giltner

Improve your paintings and learn techniques as well as design principles & elements
for intermediate and advanced students. $20. Bring your own supplies.
Call the gallery for more info and to sign up. Adults only.

Glass Classes with Jane McCaulley

One evening every month. Create a suncatcher, weave a glass dish, or more.
Prices range from $35. and up depending on the project. Ages 8 and up.
Call the gallery for more info. and to sign up.

FUNdamental Acrylic Paint Pouring Classes with Mary Parks

Learn the techniques of acrylic pouring. Create an 8×10 and an 11×14.
All materials included $40. Class size limited to 6. Call the gallery to sign up.

Beginning Watercolor and Acrylic Classes with Joan Allen

Once every month create a small painting or do a special seasonal project.
All materials included. Cost range $25.- $30.

Monthly Saturday Paint Classes | Ages 8 to Adult


Workshops by Nationally Known Artists

The workshops I’ve taken at Local Color Gallery provided great instruction, a creative atmosphere, and were very enjoyable.

Larry Clingman