Opening a Doerr to Wood Turned Art

Our art gallery has a generous amount of wonderful and established artists from all around, this time we would like to focus on Mr. Steve Doerr. His craft is wood turning, his many works include wooden bowls, platters, pens, and many other unique pieces of art. Steve...

Awaken Your Inner Artist

Have you ever been to an art gallery and noticed the various nationalities and languages of your fellow patrons? It’s amazing how art can span linguistic and cultural barriers as it inspires viewers from across the globe. Art has a special power and touches the heart...

Saying Thanks for Freedom

Recently thousands of people across the country gathered together with family and friends in order to celebrate Independence Day. In honor of the occasion, many gathered around the grill to enjoy burgers and hotdogs or a favorite snack as they watched the fireworks...

The Benefits of Framed Art

Why do we frame something? Simply put, a frame is used to protect an item and to highlight it. It sets it apart from other things by giving it its own living area complete with borders which divide it from everything else. In doing so the item becomes the focal point...

Capture the Beauty

We are definitely in the midst of a beautiful, powerful, (and at times frightening) spring. There is so much to take in, and so much to do before spring surrenders to summer with its own beauty and character. We all can appreciate the splendor of nature and sometimes...

Get Out and Enjoy Art This Spring

Spring is wonderful time of year when millions of people venture outside in an attempt to enjoy the warmer weather. However, April showers can sometimes interrupt even the most well-made plans, leaving you with nothing to do with the remainder of your day. While you...