We were excited to present a check for $850 to The Joplin Humane Society!
The prize for the most popular painting with a total of 49 votes was Eleonora Mainard! See her in the painting holding her pet cat painting. Local Color Art Gallery artists aged 5 to adult painted 53 amazing pet portraits for our Joplin Humane Society Fundraiser which...
Local Color Art Gallery Fundraiser
530 Somewhere, in conjunction with the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, Local Color Art Gallery, and the Downtown Gallery of Joplin, is proud to announce a ribbon-cutting event and community unveiling to kick off the fundraiser for the Joplin Humane Society, currently...
We made over $2000 for Breast Cancer of the Ozarks!
Breaking News Update...A great celebration of love at the gallery! Thanks everyone! We made over $2000. for Breast Cancer of the Ozarks!! ❤️ THANKS to all of the folks who came to our Local Color Art Gallery for our Valentine's Open House to celebrate and...
Painting Classes at Local Color Art Gallery
Art has so much potential- potential that often goes unnoticed, unannounced, and unthought-of of. However, Local Color Art Gallery sees the beauty and offerings that come from art and the perfect imperfection of life itself. Whether you’re a creative adult wanting to...
Choose Local Color Art Gallery for your Private Party
When thinking about ways in which you can gather a crowd for a good time, there are multiple avenues you can take. You could choose to go bowling for a child’s party, plan a dinner out with all your girlfriends, or even a golf outing to reunite all the guys. A private...
Visit Local Color Art Gallery– The Best Art Gallery Near You!
Local Color Art Gallery has a reputation for some of the best art nights out in Joplin, MO. While we cater to families and children of all ages, we also offer a romantic setting for many couples. Are you looking for something to do with your significant other besides...
The Rise of the Painting Party
A new type of art school has been spreading like wildfire across the U.S. recently. It seems like every time we log onto Facebook, we see a group of friends at a ‘Paint and Sip’ party—smiling cheerfully and holding their latest masterpieces for a group photo. But why...
An Easy Guide to Impressionist Painting
If you ask someone to recall the first painter that comes to their mind, a staggering amount of people would list Monet or Van Gogh. Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh are easily some of the most influential painters in history. What do they have in common? They were...
Art Knows No Boundaries
When we think of art, our minds most often jump to paintings and sculpture. Indeed, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David are picturesque example of what are minds generally classify as art. However, we mustn’t be too quick to draw lines or build boxes with...